How to Factory Reset a HP Desktop?

Performing a factory reset on your HP desktop running Windows 10 can be a solution for various issues, providing a fresh start for your system. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to factory reset your HP desktop:

How to Factory Reset a HP Desktop

Before you begin:

Before proceeding with the factory reset, consider the following:

  1. Backup important data.
    • Ensure all important data is backed up, as the factory reset will erase all data on the system drive.
  2. Connected Devices:
    • Disconnect any external devices like printers, external hard drives, or USB drives.
  3. Power Source:
    • Keep your HP desktop plugged into a reliable power source throughout the process.

Step-by-step factory reset HP Desktop

Step 1: Save Your Work

Ensure all your work is saved, and close any open applications.

Step 2: Shut down the desktop.

Power off your HP desktop completely.

Step 3: Disconnect peripherals

Disconnect any unnecessary peripherals like printers, external hard drives, or USB drives.

Step 4: Boot into the Recovery Environment

  1. Turn on your HP desktop.
  2. Immediately press the Esc key repeatedly until the Startup Menu appears.
  3. Press F11 to invoke the HP Recovery Manager.

Step 5: Choose a Reset Option

  1. In the HP Recovery Manager, select Troubleshoot.
  2. Choose Reset this PC.

Step 6: Select Reset Type

  1. Click on Remove Everything.
  2. If prompted, select Remove Files and clean the drive for a thorough reset.

Step 7: Initiate the Reset

Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm and initiate the reset process. This might include entering your Windows login credentials.

Step 8: Wait for Completion

The reset process will take some time. Your HP desktop will restart multiple times. Allow the process to complete without interruption.

Step 9: Set up Windows

  1. Once the reset is complete, you’ll be taken to the initial Windows setup screen.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up Windows as you would with a new PC.

Step 10: Reconnect peripherals

After completing the initial setup, reconnect any peripherals that you disconnected earlier.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Stuck in a Loop:
    • If your system seems stuck or encounters errors during the reset, restart the process. Ensure that you’ve selected the correct reset options.
  • Windows Activation:
    • After the reset, you might need to reactivate Windows. Have your Windows product key ready.
  • Reinstalling Drivers:
    • Check the HP website for your desktop model and download the latest drivers if necessary.


Performing a factory reset can resolve various issues and give your HP desktop a fresh start. If you encounter challenges during the process or need additional assistance, our third-party support team is available via the toll free number 1-888-840-1555 to guide you through the steps. Enjoy your revitalized desktop experience!